Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches - page 425

1981-2014. S
The Holocaust Memorial Museum represents the living memory of an appalling human
tragedy, as well as an anthem to life. It is also a call to human freedom and dignity, and a firm
commitment to concord and tolerance as parameters for coexistence that cannot be renounced
among those of us who claim and proclaim to be human beings.
The immense pain, the profound tragedy that the “Shoah” meant for the Jewish people and for
the entire world, symbolized by Yad Vashem, constitute —in short— an unavoidable reference to
the commitment of us all to human rights, to the freedom of mankind and our inalienable dignity.
An essential commitment that we must know how to keep alive in our societies and transmit
to future generations so that such atrocious acts can never be repeated, so that —together— we
wipe oppression, hate, racism, intolerance and disregard for life from the face of the earth forever.
Yet another year our ship has reached a safe haven. The words hope, freedom, justice, valour,
beauty and gratitude come to mind as I conclude this solemn, emotive ceremony. And also the
lucid, profound verses of our unforgettable José Hierro:
Though of what service are our lives,
if they do not enrich the lives of others.
Our Awards are inspired by this precious thought, in extolling culture, work, endeavour and
moral commitment. That is why we never forget those who need the encouragement and strength
that comes from solidarity, the victims of terrorism, fanaticism, poverty and injustice.
As has been written, the desire to know, the urge to understand are engraved on the soul of
the best of men and women. To awaken in other human beings the knowledge and dreams that go
further than ours and to induce in others appreciation for what
we love is the passionate adventure pursued by our Foundation.
And so, each year we publicly acknowledge the merits of men
and women who with their lives, their work or their example
have contributed to the progress of humanity. And we do so
with conviction and humility from an institution that came into
being three decades ago inspired by the hope experienced in
Spain regarding its recently approved Constitution; which was
ratified by a vast majority of fellow countrymen and women as the basis for our political order and
a wise guidebook for our coexistence.
Since then, we meet on an evening such as this in this theatre to receive and honour men and
women who come from very different, far-off places in the world, who speak different languages and
who feel part of highly varied cultures, traditions and beliefs.
They do not think alike; they could not be more diverse. Yet, despite their differences, we
are sure that there is much that unites them. Above all, they represent the fight for Fundamental
Rights, especially for people’s right to life and dignity; they defend freedom and democratic values;
they are capable of coexisting within this difference and consider their own diversity as a source of
collective enrichment. In short, they are a living example of what we Spaniards also proposed thirty
years ago now for our own country and which we have continued to build for future generations.
As heir to theThrone, I dedicate and shall continue to dedicatemy efforts to this grand endeavour.
We continue to work all together, devoting our efforts to this grand endeavour of making Spain a
society that is ever more solidly united around the principles and values of our Constitution.
Today, as twelve intense months of work and joy for all of us who form part of the Foundation
conclude and new tasks and new efforts commence immediately, we may once more affirm that
we continue to be moved by all these ideals, the never-yielding enthusiasm to continue forging
this path; a path that has never been easy, and which aims towards the highest of goals. For, when
these do not exist, only the sterile footsteps of routine and the voice of that which is insignificant
are to be heard.
Thank you.
“The words hope, freedom, justice, valour,
beauty and gratitude come to mind as I
conclude this solemn, emotive ceremony.”
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