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Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Prince of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research 1994

The Jury for the 1994 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, comprising Manuel Ballester Boix, Ramón Capote del Villar, Antonio Fernández-Rañada, Rafael Fernández Rubio, Antonio García Bellido, Federico García Moliner, Amable Liñán Martínez, Julio R. Villanueva and Clemente Sáenz Ridruejo, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Francisco Grande Covián and with José Antonio Martínez Álvarez acting as secretary, have unanimously agreed to award the 1994 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research to the Colombian researcher Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Murillo, for the importance of his scientific contribution to the design, development and field experimentation of a synthetic vaccine against malaria. His work is the result of many years of original, rigorous and persevering effort. His findings have been acknowledged and supported by the world´s health organisations. This work is an exemplary model for other efforts aimed at the synthesis of vaccines against the different epidemic diseases threatening the survival of large groups of humans.
Oviedo, 20th May 1994
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