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1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards The Vicariate of Solidarity of Chile, 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Laureate for Concord, is presented with the Award by H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Representatives of the Universities of Salamanca and Coimbra, 1986 Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, are presented with the Award by H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Rafael Lapesa, 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards laureate for Literature, during the Presentation Ceremony.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Luis García Berlanga, 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards laureate for the Arts, is presented with the Award by H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards José Luis Pinillos, 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards laureate for Social Sciences, is presented with the Award by H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Roberto Marinho, President of "The O Globo" Communications Group, 1986 Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, during the Presentation Ceremony.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Antonio González González, 1986 Prince of Asturias Award Laureate for Technical and Scientific Research, during the Presentation Ceremony.

  • 1986 Prince of Asturias Awards

    1986 Prince of Asturias Awards Mario Vargas Llosa, 1986 Prince of Asturias Award laureate for Literature, is presented with the Award by H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias.