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Princess of Asturias Awards 08/03/2020

Joaquim Verissimo, Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, has died

Bestowed with the 1995 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences together with Miquel Batllori I Munné


Joaquim Veríssimo, 1995 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, has died.

As stated in the Minutes of the Jury, he was granted the Award for to be “one of Portugal´s most important historians, currently holding the chair of the Portuguese Academy of History. His "Historia do Portugal", in twelve volumes (1962-1990) and his "Itinerário do Rei Dom Sebastián", in two volumes (1963-1964) are now classic treatises, recognised as authentic examples of rigorous investigation, indubitable objectivity and exposition of great literary brilliance”.

Chaired by Manuel Fraga Iribarne, the Jury was made up of Álvaro Cuervo García, Enrique Fuentes Quintana, Jaime García Añoveros, Manuel Jesús González, María del Carmen Iglesias Cano, Aurelio Menéndez Menéndez, Manuel Menéndez Menéndez, Pedro Schwartz Girón, Juan Urrutia Elejalde, Juan Velarde Fuertes, and José López-Muñiz y González- Madroño, as acting secretary.

The Awards Ceremony, which took place on 27th October, and was presided over by HM King Felipe VI, the then Prince of Asturias. Besides the address by His Majesty, the speeches at the ceremony were given by Carlos Bousoño, Mário Soares, H.M. Husein, King of Jordan; and Plácido Arango, then President of the Prince of Asturias Foundation.

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