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Princess of Asturias Awards

Meeting of the jury for the 2024 Princess of Asturias Award for Concord

38 nominations encompassing 19 different nationalities are in the running for this Award, the last of eight international awards that are bestowed each year by the Princess of Asturias Foundation, now in their 44th year.

Meeting of the jury for the 2024 Princess of Asturias Award for Concord

The Jury responsible for conferring the 2024 Princess of Asturias Award for Concord will meet this coming 11th and 12th June in Oviedo. This is the last of the eight international awards convened by the Princess of Asturias Foundation this year, now in their 44th year. A total of 38 candidatures encompassing 19 different nationalities are in the running for the Award. The meetings will be held at the Reconquista Hotel.

As stated in the Foundation’s Regulations, the Princess of Asturias Awards are aimed at rewarding “the scientific, technical, cultural, social and humanitarian work carried out at an international level by individuals, institutions or groups of individuals or institutions”. In keeping with these principles, the Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research is to be aimed at “recognizing the work of defending and advancing human rights, as well as that of promoting and protecting peace, freedom, solidarity, world heritage and, in general, the progress of humanity.”

Each Princess of Asturias Award comprises a Joan Miró sculpture representing and symbolising the Award, a diploma, an insignia and a cash prize of fifty thousand euros.

As usual, the Jury for the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord will be composed largely of members of the Boards of Trustees of the Foundation.

Deliberations will commence at 5:00pm on Tuesday, 11th June, in the hotel’s Salón Covadonga (Chapel), immediately after the taking of the official photo. The Jury’s decision will be made public at 12 noon the following day, Wednesday, in the same room. Following this, the members of the Jury may be interviewed.

This is the last of the eight Princess of Asturias Awards to be bestowed in what is now their forty-fourth year. Previously, the Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts was granted to singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat, the Award for Communication and Humanities went to Franco-Iranian cartoonist, film director and painter Marjane Satrapi, the Award for Sports was conferred on badminton player Carolina Marín, the Award for Social Sciences went to Canadian academic and essayist Michael Ignatieff, the Award for Literature was conferred on Romanian poet Ana Blandiana, while the Award for International Cooperation went to the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and the Award for Technical and Scientific Research to Daniel J. Drucker, physician (Canada); Jeffrey M. Friedman, molecular biologist (USA); Joel F. Habener, endocrinologist (USA); Jens Juul Holst, chemist (Denmark); and Svetlana Mojsov, chemist (North Macedonia and USA).

Composition of the jury

  • Adrián Barbón Rodríguez (chair)
  • Pedro de Silva Cienfuegos-Jovellanos (acting secretary)
  • Esther Alcocer Koplowitz
  • Fernando de Almansa Moreno-Barreda
  • José Ramón Álvarez Rendueles
  • Ernesto Antolin Arribas
  • Antonio Brufau Niubó
  • Alfredo Canteli Fernández
  • Juan Cofiño González
  • Manuel Contreras Caro
  • Sol Daurella Comadrán
  • Isidro Fainé Casas
  • Ana I. Fernández Álvarez
  • José Antonio Fernández Carbajal
  • Ana Fernández Manrique
  • Pedro Luis Fernández Pérez
  • José Antonio Fernández Rivero
  • Enrique Fernández Rodríguez
  • Luis Fernández-Vega Sanz
  • Sabino García Vallina
  • Ignacio Garralda Ruiz de Velasco
  • Jaime Gorbeña Yllera
  • Antonio Huertas Mejías
  • Alicia Koplowitz Romero de Juséu
  • Laureano Lourido Artime
  • Pedro Martín Barón
  • Adolfo Menéndez Menéndez
  • Enrique Miñarro Viseras
  • Carmen Moriyón Entrialgo
  • Carlos Navalpotro Fuster
  • Mercedes Oblanca Rojo
  • María del Pino Calvo-Sotelo
  • Matías Rodríguez Inciarte
  • Juan Sánchez-Calero Guilarte
  • Manuel Villa-Cellino Torre
  • Ignacio Ybarra Aznar

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