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The Princess of Asturias Foundation is to open the Tabacalera building Gijón with a cycle of activities in tribute to Haruki Murakami, 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Literature
The Toma 3 and Meidinerz venues, in Gijón, will also host events focussing on the Japanese writer’s work.
The La Vega Arms Factory, in Oviedo, will have spaces dedicated to the Laureate.

Under the overarching title “Murakami on the Shore”, the Princess of Asturias Foundation is to open the Tabacalera building in Gijón with a cycle of events in tribute to Haruki Murakami, 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Literature, within the framework of “Awards Week”.
The activities, which include concerts and permanent installations, will take place between 11th and 15th October at the aforementioned venue, made available by Gijón City Council, which will be open for the first time to host a cultural programme.
In the coming days, the complete programme of events will be made public and information will be provided regarding how to register to attend the Awards Week events.
Tabacalera Building
Located in the heart of the neighbourhood of Cimadevilla, in Gijón, the Tabacalera building has its origins in 1670. Convent of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters since 1679, it is the work of architects Ignacio de Palacio and Juan de San Miguel. In 1842, as a result of the ecclesiastical confiscations of Mendizábal, the building was secularized and transformed into a Tobacco Factory before it was finally closed in 2002. After a period of archaeological and technical investigations, the building is currently in the process of complete restoration, during which remains of the primitive Roman nucleus of the city have appeared.
In the case of the Tabacalera building, it should be noted that it is a space under construction, being neither air-conditioned nor fully accessible. Accordingly, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes, pay attention to the signs and follow the instructions of staff at the venue at all times.
Piano, solo piano
Haruki Murakami has imbued many of his stories with musical references that span all genres, including classical music. In this concert, the pianist from Gijón Martín García García, a major figure on the international scene, will perform a selection of pieces by Franz Liszt and Robert Schumann related to the life and literary career of the Laureate.
After Dark
On this occasion, a jazz group led by pianist César Latorre will perform some of the pieces mentioned in the book After Dark. Jazz is one of Haruki Murakami’s favourite musical genres. The plots and scenes of many of his books are impregnated with references to artists, records and songs of this genre and form an inseparable part of the Japanese author’s literary world view.
Naoko’s Funeral
In one of the last scenes of the novel Norwegian Wood, following the death of Naoko, one of the three characters around which the book’s plot revolves, her friends Reiko and Toru Watanabe decide to hold a funeral for her that is not sad while they drink wine. Reiko picks up a guitar and plays a list of songs, mainly those by The Beatles.
Led by guitarist Marco Martínez and singers Carmen Lancho, Lara Hoevenaar and Miryam Latrece, attendees will be able to delve into the work of the Laureate and, just like the characters in the novel, celebrate beauty and life.
Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova
A concert dedicated to Haruki Murakami and his book First Person Singular. In this book, he fantasizes about the idea that Charlie “Bird” Parker, one of the most influential musicians in the history of jazz, could have recorded an album performing pieces in the style of this well-known genre of Brazilian origin.
Sonidópolis Concert
A selection of groups made up of students from the Sonidópolis music academy in Gijón will perform a repertoire of pop and rock songs included in some of Haruki Murakami’s books.
De Viva Voce. Live sound fiction
Via a show that combines narration, sound elements, dramatic developments and other theatrical elements, De Viva Voce will submerge the audience in stories related to some of Haruki Murakami’s key concepts, stories and narrative exercises. Hosted by Tono Permuy and commissioned by one of the reference venues on Gijón’s cultural scene, ‘Toma 3’, the activity will take place, both at the Tabacalera building and at Toma 3 itself.
Murakami Club live
Jazz is one of the favourite musical genres of Haruki Murakami, 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Literature. The plots and scenes of many of his books are impregnated with references to artists, records and songs belonging to this genre and form an inseparable part of the Japanese author’s literary world view. Musicians Carlos Pizarro and Jorge Viejo will perform some jazz compositions closely related to Murakami’s life and literary career.
The Tabacalera building will also host permanent installations dedicated to the Laureate, which can be visited between 11th and 15th October. These installations will enable visitors to delve deep into the universe of the Japanese writer through the vision of different artists.
The Edge of the World
Via a play of light and shadows and animated images projected on the walls of the Tabacalera chapel, artist Cristina Busto invites the public to discover the dreamlike world of Haruki Murakami.
Murakami in Short Sleeves
Haruki Murakami has a striking collection of t-shirts that is reflected in the book Murakami T: The T-Shirts I Love. They are all simple garments with designs related to elements of pop culture. Designers Pablo Amargo, Manuel Fernández, Juan Jareño, Noelia Pañeda and Alicia Varela, and artist Edgar Plans have each created a t-shirt design inspired by Murakami’s texts for the occasion.
Stone Moon, Salt Mirror
Some of Haruki Murakami’s characters live between different levels of reality. Photographer Javier Bejarano uses recurring motifs and images in the Japanese author’s work to invite visitors to peer into that other side of reality. 1Q84, Killing Commendatore and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle are the source of inspiration for this installation that pays tribute to the phantasmagorical universe of the 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Literature.
Between Words
The everyday world of modern Japan and references to Western culture come together in Haruki Murakami’s literary work. The installation by Pablo Pandiella, the artist behind the name Materia Mínima, offers an ephemeral architectural intervention that invites visitors to contemplate a landscape to pay tribute to one of the writer’s best-known facets, combining the two cultures in one and the same universe.
The Dolphin Hotel
Some of the main characters in Haruki Murakami’s books frequent places that allow them to find themselves. Artist Sergio Fernández will invite the public to enter The Dolphin Hotel, a space that refers to the setting of the novel Dance Dance Dance, which at the same time is a landscape where visitors will have to discover hidden mysteries.
Birthday Girl
An exhibition comprising a selection of illustrations by German artist Kat Menschik, extracted from the illustrated book Birthday Girl by Haruki Murakami.
Murakami Club Space
Recreation of a place inspired by the Japanese jazz kissa format, where jazz classics abound on the shelves. In his youth, Haruki Murakami ran a jazz bar of this kind, the ‘Peter Cat’. According to the author himself, “concerts were scheduled, drinks and simple meals were served.” What’s more, he wrote his first novels there.
What do we talk about when we talk about Murakami?
Translator and expert in the work of Haruki Murakami Carlos Rubio will chair a discussion between writer Rodrigo Fresán, translator Lourdes Porta and editor Ana Esteban to talk about the work of the Laureate, the writers who have influenced him and the ins and outs of the profession as a translator in which he himself has excelled.
With the collaboration of the Japan Foundation.
Stories, Stories, Stories
Jazz is one of the favourite musical genres of Haruki Murakami, 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Literature. The plots and scenes of many of his books are impregnated with references to artists, records and songs belonging to this genre and form an inseparable part of the Japanese author’s literary world view. On this occasion, a jazz group led by pianist César Latorre will perform some of the pieces mentioned in different short stories by the Laureate at the Meidinerz venue that regularly programmes jazz concerts.
De Viva Voce Live sound fiction
Via a show that combines narration, sound elements, dramatic developments and other theatrical elements, De Viva Voce will submerge the audience in stories related to some of Haruki Murakami’s key concepts, stories and narrative exercises. Hosted by Tono Permuy and commissioned by one of the reference venues on Gijón’s cultural scene, ‘Toma 3’, the activity will take place, both at the Tabacalera building and at Toma 3 itself.
The La Vega Arms Factory, in Oviedo, will also host events in tribute to Haruki Murakami.
Awards Week
These activities form part of “Awards Week”, a cultural programme designed by the Foundation that includes the participation of the Princess of Asturias Laureates in a variety of activities during the days leading up to the Awards Ceremony at the Campoamor Theatre.
Since 1996, the Foundation has scheduled different activities in diverse locations in Asturias aimed at making the Laureates and their contributions to the world of science, culture or any other field in which they work better known to society at large.
Admission to all “Awards Week” events is free. The Foundation will announce the complete programme of activities in the coming days, as well as the way to register for the events.
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