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Nuccio Ordine 2023 Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities

At its meeting in Oviedo, the Jury for the 2023 Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, composed of Luis María Anson Oliart, Rosa María Calaf Solé, Irene Cano Piquero, Gabriela Cañas Pita de la Vega, Adela Cortina Orts, Miguel Falomir Faus, Gloria Fernández-Lomana García, Taciana Fisac Badell, Alma Guillermoprieto, Catalina Luca de Tena y García-Conde, Marchioness of Valle de Tena, Enrique Pascual Pons, Carmen Riera i Guilera, Elena Sánchez Caballero y Diana Sorensen, chaired by Víctor García de la Concha and with Alberto Anaut González acting as secretary, has decided to confer the 2023 Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities on Italian lecturer, writer and philosopher Nuccio Ordine for his defence of the humanities and his commitment to education and values rooted in European thought which is universal in scale.
Ordine establishes a dialogue with contemporary society in order to transmit –especially to the younger members of society– the idea that the importance of knowledge is to be found in the learning process itself. The usefulness of education must be understood in terms of passion for the search for knowledge and for the best in each person, without being limited by economic interests. His academic work, which focusses on relevant figures of the Renaissance, highlights the need to recover the richness of humanism for the up-and-coming generations.
Oviedo, 4th May 2023
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