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Luis Antonio Santaló Sors Prince of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research 1983

The members of the Jury for the 1983 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, Manuel Ballester Boix, José Manuel Fernández Felgueroso, Antonio González González, Francisco Grande Coiván, Luis Federico Leloir, Enrique Linés Escardó, Juan Oró and Julio Rodríguez Villanueva, gathered in Oviedo on the 21st and 22nd of June, 1983, under the presidency of Severo Ochoa and with José Antonio Martínez Álvarez acting as secretary, have agreed unanimously to grant this award to Luis Antonio Santaló Sors.
The Jury values in Professor Santaló his outstanding research in various fields of mathematics, especially in integral geometry, of great importance in the development of modern tendencies in this science. His research, combined with exemplary university work, form the personality of this great Spanish-American mathematician, internationally recognised and considered as one of the most important contemporary geometricians.
Oviedo, 22nd June 1983
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