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Ramón Carande Thovar Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 1985

The members of the Jury for the 1985 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, Pío Cabanillas, Álvaro Cuervo, Salvador Giner, Landelino Lavilla, Gregorio Peces-Barba, Mariano Rubio, Joaquín Ruiz- Giménez, Ramón Serrano Suñer and Jordi Solé Turer, gathered in Oviedo on the 20th and 21st of June, 1985, under the presidency of Antonio Hernández Gil and with Rodrigo Uría acting as secretary, have decided unanimously to grant this award to Ramón Carande y Thovar, for being a universal example of singular humanistic spirit and complete dedication to rigorous research, who has made an extraordinary effort in the study of the historical dimension of economics, through the use of new systems of analysis applied to the original documentary sources, which have managed to show systematically, for the first time, the complex reality of the economy and public finance in the days of the Catholic Monarchs and Carlos I, something of great significance for Spain and Latin America. He has thus made a decisive contribution to laying the historiographic basis for contemporary economic science.
Oviedo, 21st June 1985
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