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Guido Münch Prince of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research 1989

The members of the Jury for the 1989 Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, Juan Antonio Díaz Álvarez, Antonio Fernández Rañada, Francisco Grande Coiván, Fernando Lozano, Emilio Llorente, Juan Oró, Andrés Ripoll, Julio R. Villanueva, Francisco Sánchez, Juan Sanmartín Losada and Alberto Sols, gathered in Oviedo on the 27th and 28th of April, 1989 under the presidency of Severo Ochoa and with José Antonio Martínez Álvarez acting as secretary, have decided unanimously to grant this award to Professor Guido Münch, Mexican by nationality and living in Spain, for his many important contributions to Astrophysics and its instrumentation. The Jury places special value on the fact that his contributions have included not only theoretical and observational analysis of the atmosphere of the sun and stars, interstellar matter, planets and galactic structure, but also technological applications which had a decisive effect upon space exploration (the Mariner, Viking and Pioneer 10 and 11 programmes).
The Jury has also valued very highly his constant efforts to train young astrophysicists.
Oviedo, 28th April 1989
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