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H.M Husein I, King of Jordan Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 1995

The Jury for the 1995 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, Gabino de Lorenzo, Plácido Arango, Eduardo Abellán, Agustín Antuña, Adolfo Barthe Aza, Claudio Boada, José Celma Prieto, Ramón Colao Caicoya, José Ramón Fernández Cuevas, José Manuel García Hermoso, Santiago Gascón, Manuel Gómez de Pablos, Juan de Herrera, Marquis of Viesca de la Sierra, Rafael Martínez Cortiña, Rafael del Pino Moreno, Juan Luis Rodríguez Vigil, José Antonio Rumeu de Delás, José Angel Sánchez Asiaín, Jaime Terceiro Lomba, and Antonio Trevín Lombán, gathered in Oviedo, under the presidency of Sergio Marqués, and with Pedro de Silva Cienfuegos- Jovellanos acting as secretary, taking into consideration his valuable contribution to the cause of peace in the Middle East, which has shown itself to be one of the points of conflict among humanity, have agreed by majority to grant the 1995 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord to H.M. King Hussein I of Jordan.
Oviedo, 15th September 1995
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