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Emmanuel Carrère 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Literature

Statement by Emmanuel Carrère, following the conferral of the 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Literature
“It suffices to take a look at the names of the members of the Jury and the Laureates in all the categories to feel deeply honoured to form part of such a list. Speaking for myself, I feel especially moved because, although I unfortunately do not speak Spanish, I love Spanish literature and in recent years I have had the great joy to discover that the situation was in some way mutual: the Spanish-speaking world is the one that has given my books the warmest of welcomes. This undoubtedly has a lot to do with the loyalty and perseverance of my estimable editor, which is why I wish to share this honour with Jorge Herralde, Lali Gubern, Silvia Sese and the entire team at Anagrama.”
Emmanuel Carrère
Paris, 9th June 2021
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