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Yves Meyer, Ingrid Daubechies, Terence Tao and Emmanuel Candès 2020 Princess of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research

Statement by Emmanuel Candès following the conferral of the 2020 Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research
“I am thrilled to have been selected and this makes me very happy. Good news are hard to come by these days.... I am honored to be recognized alongside Yves, Ingrid and Terence who are scientists I admire. I am fond of Spain and of Spanish culture and look forward to the ceremony.”
Emmanuel Candès
Stanford (California), 23rd June 2020
Statement by Ingrid Daubechies following the conferral of the 2020 Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research
“I am very honored to have been selected for this award, both by the prestige of the Award itself, as witnessed by the renown of past awardees, and by the identity of my co-awardees, each of them giants in my own personal gallery of heroes.”
Ingrid Daubechies
Durham (North Carolina), 23rd June 2020
Statement by Terence Tao following the conferral of the 2020 Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research
"I am deeply honored to be one of the awardees for the Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research. It is humbling to be part of a group of laureates that has included so many noteworthy scientists, and I greatly look forward to visiting the lovely country of Spain once again to attend the ceremony at Oviedo later this year.”
Terence Tao
Los Angeles (California), 23rd June 2020
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