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Teresa Perales 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports

In the course of its online meeting, the Jury for the 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports, made up of Alejandro Blanco Bravo, Vicente del Bosque González, Emilio Butragueño Santos, Miguel Carballeda Piñeiro, María Paz Corominas Guerin, Joaquín Folch-Rusiñol Corachán, Juan Ignacio Gallardo Tomé, Patricia García Rodríguez, Vicente Jiménez Navas, Joan Llaneras Roselló, Sylvana Mestre Alexandre, Santiago Nolla Zayas, Guadalupe Porras Ayuso, Paloma del Río Cañadas, Albert Sáez Casas, Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs, Sitapha Savané SagnaandAlberto Suárez Laso, chaired by Abel Antón Rodrigo and with Theresa Zabell Lucas acting as secretary, has decided to confer the 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports on the Spanish swimmer Teresa Perales.
Teresa is an extraordinary athlete and an icon of the international Paralympic movement. Throughout her long and brilliant career, which has led her to participate in five Paralympic Games and in which she continues to figure among the elite, she has established an exceptional track record only comparable to her profound, active and courageous commitment to social issues. As a sportswoman, she epitomises the most admirable sporting values. This award recognizes the effort and ability to overcome obstacles of an entire group worldwide.
2nd June 2021
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