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Teresa Perales 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports

Statement by Teresa Perales on being bestowed with the 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports
“It has been a morning brimming with emotion. I received the news that I have been bestowed with this year’s Princess of Asturias Award for Sports and no one can imagine the intensity of the emotion that I feel right now inside me in addition to my truly profound gratitude to the Foundation for granting me this award.
It has been a very difficult year for all of us all, we have lived through experienced the pandemic in this same ship all together and we know how complicated everything has become. It has also been a very difficult year also for the athletes who are preparing for the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games in Tokyo and I particularly wanted to share this Award with all of them: with all those who at some point, with all those Paralympic athletes, with all those people with disabilities, with all those sportswomen, with all the sportswomen who are also moms, with all of us who dream at some point of stepping up onto the top of the podium or of bettering ourselves every day in each of the things we do. My thanks and the sharing of this Award truly goes out to you all. A very big kiss.”
Teresa Perales
Zaragoza, 2nd June 2021
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